Rabu, 30 November 2016

Lose Weight Safely on Mother Breastfeeding

Lose Weight Safely on Mother Breastfeeding

QUESTION: I am a breastfeeding mother, my baby is now 14 months. Because excess weight is pretty much (height 160, weight 72kg) during the two weeks I ate the fruit vegetable juice early in the evening, as well as during regular eating oatmeal and rice replaced. But how come I have not felt a significant weight loss dock ya? Please directives Thank you. Lulu (34) ANSWER: Thank you Ms. LuluPenurunan weight (BW) for mothers who are breast-feeding is not done in the extreme, but there are some tips that can be followed: 1. diet guided by the rules of a complete and balanced nutrition. Mothers are advised to follow a specific diet or cut the number of calories in the extreme and avoid certain types of nutrients, such as not consuming carbohydrates or only consume high-protein such as the Atkin's diet. Why? This will affect the quantity (amount) and quality (quality) of breast milk produced. A mother who is still breastfeeding even got extra calories by 300 kcal in daily needs. The goal is that the mother's body can secrete milk with the appropriate quantity and quality of your baby needs to grow and develop optimally. But do not lose heart, because breastfeeding mother's body will produce hormones that can help you lose weight and get back into shape naturally. There are some studies that say with breastfeeding, the body burns about 300-500 kcal / day which is equivalent to cycling for 1 jam.2. More food choices on vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates, fat, skim and low-fat sources of protein and enough fluids. Examples of skim milk or low fat milk, skinless chicken, fish, eggs, tofu, tempeh and bean-kacangan.3. Avoid foods that are fast (junk food), eat smaller portions and frequent (usually given in 6x Award with 3 x main meals such as breakfast - lunch - dinner and 3x snack), do not get a sense of tension or stress on the food, but switch to play with your baby or take the child walk around so contribute kalori.4 combustion. Sport or physical activity should be done after completion breastfeeding mothers to reduce discomfort in the breast and wear clothing that is specifically designed for mothers who are menyusui.- Start with a light movement such as walking (if difficult to leave the baby, walking activity to do with your baby while soaking up the sun in the morning), cycling, swimming. All done as comfortable as possible for the mother. If it has been repeatedly done and feels comfortable, the intensity and duration of activity can be increased gradually. For example start with exercises to strengthen the abdominal wall, etc. - Try to do this activity together with other friends or in the health club, so as not to cause saturation. And do not forget to always drink enough fluids or water during activity. If Ms. Lulu still has not succeeded in weight loss by means of the above, it would not hurt to consult a physician nutrition closest in ya place. May be useful

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