Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Tips Banish Sleepiness for pemotor When Fasting

Tips Banish Sleepiness for pemotor When Fasting
Starting next week, the Muslims will be fasting. Although fast, but still they played everyday activities, including riding a motorcycle.
One of the challenges when fasting, when riding a motorcycle is drowsiness. If allowed to continue sleepy, can cause accidents.
Reporting from Fdrtire, Thursday, June 2, 2016, actually there are some easy ways to prevent drowsiness attacked in the middle of riding a motorcycle. The following tips:
The first, is to replace white rice with foods containing complex carbohydrates. Rice is the staple food that can not be abandoned. However, during fasting, try changing your usual white rice with brown rice consumption with.
Different red rice with white rice, because it includes complex carbohydrates that contain a lot of fiber. In addition to brown rice, source of complex carbohydrates more you can try is cassava, maize, cassava, cereals or wheat bread.
Second, avoid fried foods. Fried snack or main meal processing by frying should be avoided during fasting, especially for sahur menu.
These fried foods causes red blood cells to clot. As a result, the oxygen flow was reduced by 20 percent, which led to the onset of drowsiness.
third, enough to drink. You may not feel thirsty when fasting. However, you need to drink enough to replace the lost fluid intake during fasting.
The effect is less fluid can decrease the concentration you need while riding a motorcycle. Also avoid drinking coffee and drinks high in caffeine high, especially at night, because it makes it difficult to sleep.
Lastly, be sure to get enough rest. Work activities during fasting that does not change, coupled with religious activities, making sleep time is often reduced.
Make sure you sleep at least six hours a night. Because during the fast you do not eat lunch, use the break time to nap. (Asp)

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